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    Alex Kratena: Time is bartender's main enemy

    Before doing anything, ask yourself would you make this for your mum. If it is good enough for your mum then it is more than enough for the Queen or any other celebrity.

    I only work with brands that I am not ashamed to place behind the bar and set a price of 16.50 pounds plus tip for one cocktail.

    My most terrifying nightmares are broken ice-makers and low supplies.

    The only way of running a bar is with discipline and strong managers.

    Always dress so that your look reflects your principles and convictions.

    Time is bartender's main enemy.

    If you want to win, work harder and better than the rest.

    Smile every time and all the time

    Learning to listen is difficult, because everybody prefers to speak.

    The main thing for a bartender is making people happy.

    I never make plans for the future. My home is where my heart is.

    Everything that surrounds me is reflected in my work.

    Photo: Margaret Stepien

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