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    Fabien Marcault: If a bar had a soul, it would probably go to heaven

    If you were to compare it with a film, my life would be most similar to the "Cocktail," where everything started.

    If a bar had a soul, it would probably go to heaven

    Bartenders who work for show are the greatest enemies of bar culture.

    Mixology is acquired experience that with time becomes talent.

    These days, rum is like oil. More and more customers want to become enlightened as soon as they find out about this fantastic drink.

    Never be afraid to ask questions of your more experienced colleagues and make mistakes. A good bar manager will always help a newbie out.

    You have to stay calm with rude customers until they cross the boundaries of respect to your staff and the people around them, so long as they are not throwing money around or making passes on nearby girls.

    Optimists are better suited to running bars.

    I'm not opposed to "mutual arrangements" between bars and brands. But isn't it great to have to opportunity to play with something new?

    The bartender's work helped me be way less shy with people.

    Bars exist in order to help people shut off, forget themselves, enjoy themselves, and make friends with new people.

    A bartender isn't required to study in any special way: reading books or simply using the internet is more than enough.

    A bartender's ideal girlfriend should patiently tolerate long shifts, know how to trust, and, of course, like to drink once in a while.

    Photo: Jaime Olleros

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