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    Hidetsugu Ueno: I do only those things I believe in

    The ideal bartender is an indifferent one. He should have 100% trust in what he does and be very flexible when it comes to the drinks that guests like.

    I do only those things I believe in.

    Bartender is the mirror of the person in front of him.

    The best thing in my profession is the opportunity to see guests smiling.

    We should know that we are in hospitality business and not only making drinks.

    Force majeure for me is to see customers treating bartenders with superiority. Unfortunately sometimes it happens with my colleagues.

    A bartender shouldn't persuade guests to rely on his taste in mixing cocktails, but he should obviously make them follow the bar rules.

    A piece of advice to those who want to succeed in the bartenders' profession — be patient and get your own way to stay in the industry.

    For me a successful working day is one when at least one guest says he's happy.

    I fall into a rage when someone treats my lady bartenders like hostesses.

    Bartender should be a sheep dog. It's madness when drunk customers don't know how to behave.

    Photo: Kauro Shibahara

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