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    Zdenek Kastanek & Michael D. Callahan: In reality, our guests are actually paying to have their minds cleansed without having to do the washing

    Train your money so that it stops jumping out of your pocket and gets there in the first place. You will soon notice your wallet significantly bulging.

    Awareness and flexibility in business are guarantees for a bar's success.
    In reality, our guests are actually paying to have their minds cleansed without having to do the washing up.
    My brother works in medicine and our father always tells his friends: “My first son can heal a body, the second one - the soul”.
    Being behind a bar is a big responsibility.
    The ideal guest is a real gentleman or lady, not in terms of appearance, but in terms of manners.
    To win the hearts of the right people, you need to be yourself, and have tequila.
    My longest shift lasted 54 hours and involved a change of countries.
    Read pastry chefs' blogs to overcome creative block. The combination of the flavours and textures that they work with are astounding in diversity and balance.
    It's not that easy to work with alcohol and stay sober all the time... however this is absolutely crucial.
    I want my colleagues to remember me as the best of the best bartenders who did everything for smiles and conversation.
    Be an example for you staff.
    If tomorrow I become the last man on Earth, I would call my bar The Last Chance Saloon.
    Behind every great bartender there is always just as great a woman, and probably her work is even harder. On the other hand, we know the best hotels, bars and restaurants around the world and when it's time to give our ladies what they deserve, they get treated like royalty.

    Photo: Vanessa Caitlin Jayn

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