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Chris Edwardes

Signature Cocktail
experience 49 years

Bar codex Chris Edwardes

A bartender is a philosopher, a shrink, a doctor, a comedian and a marriage guidance counsellor.

After all these years behind the bar I still have a great time doing it.

As long as people are friendly and polite, I don't care how they look.

Alcohol is my world, I love everything about it.

I can't remember my first cocktail.

If I won a billion-dollar lottery tomorrow, I would definitely open a distillery.

Some people are born famous, others have to work incredibly hard to achieve it.

I treat my bartenders like my family, so they never argue with me.

If I become a superhero tomorrow, call me “Johnnie Cocktail” please.

Chatting with girls and all other children's games pass by, when you understand that you can make a career behind the bar.

The main pleasure of managing your own bar is that it's exactly your vision and your choice. What else can you ∫want?

I've been working in the industry since I was 17 years old and can't imagine doing anything else

My wife, my life and my punch bag make me strong.

Try The tower of power sour cocktail by Chris Edwardes

Try The tower of power sour cocktail by Chris Edwardes

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