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Soren Krogh Sorensen

Signature Cocktail
experience 18 years

Bar codex Soren Krogh Sorensen

Naming the three main components of a great bar, I would choose: professional and friendly staff, quality ice and a nice selection of products.

People who know me or have seen my bar will agree that money is secondary to me. I just want to be happy in what I do and the rest will follow.

The most frequent question I address to myself: How can I improve?

Treat every new guest as a potential regular.

One will never see me angry during the service, but when the night is over it is time to clear the air.

Bartending isn’t exactly the right line to make a multi-million fortune.

What you see is what you get!

Everyone finds his place in time.

My life is centred around what I do!

It is definitely much easier to succeed in a dynamic team.

I have not done my best drink yet.

Try Jackalope cocktail by Soren Krogh Sorensen

Try Jackalope cocktail by Soren Krogh Sorensen

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