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Ariel Leizgold

Signature Cocktail
experience 22 years

Bar codex Ariel Leizgold

When you are opening your bar, you should forget about sleep.

It would be ideal for professional bartenders if money wasn’t involved and they could just be impartial hosts who show their guests a great time, with no hidden agenda.

There is no such thing “just a minor detail” – all the details are equally important.

At the interview I always ask employees to tell me a story, any story. I listen to their form of speech, the details that turn them on, their body language, and then I know how passionate they will be about the job.

A bar is like a theatre. It's a show that's put on every night. You dress up, put on your accessories, set up your “stage”, and get into character.

Ego is the dark side of mixology.

As a bar owner, I enjoy drinking with my guests sometimes.

There should be no more than 20 cocktails in the drink’s menu. Try to keep the list focused and change it at least every season. This is what I do.

You should be charming and delightful with city representatives, allow them to fall for your magic and overwhelming personality.

A good mixologist likes to take a challenge.

I still ask for advice from my mother, who is an amazing cook and very caring.

A classic old-fashioned look in the bar – vest, black tie, braces, that is what I like.

My aspirations are far beyond that I’ve already achieved.

Try My sister daisy cocktail by Ariel Leizgold

Try My sister daisy cocktail by Ariel Leizgold

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