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Alex Kratena

Signature Cocktail
experience 26 years

Bar codex Alex Kratena

Before you do anything, ask yourself whether it would be OK to serve that to your mother. If it’s OK for your mum, it’s more than OK for the Queen or any celebrity out there.

I work only for those brands I am confident to put behind my bar and charge anyone who comes in £16.50 plus service per cocktail.

Broken ice machines and running out of stock are my worst nightmares.

The only way to manage a bar at a distance is to have strong senior staff.

Always dress in a way that reflects what you stand for and what you believe in.

Time is our main enemy.

If you want to win, just work harder than anybody else.

Smile every time and all the time.

It is difficult to learn to listen, because everybody prefers to talk.

The most important thing about the bartender’s profession is to make people happy.

I never make plans. My home is where my heart is.

Everything which surrounds me affects my work.

Try Box'o'bones cocktail by Alex Kratena

Try Box'o'bones cocktail by Alex Kratena

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