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Julien Escot

Signature Cocktail
experience 29 years

Bar codex Julien Escot

The bar is not an end but the beginning.

The only statue that I would place in Papa Doble is the statue of Ernest Hemingway from La Floridita in Havana.

Help your guest to feel special and feel at home and he will spend more time and more money in your bar.

When opening a bar, a bartender needs to ask himself one question: does he work for the approval of his bartender friends, or to meet customers' expectations?

Bartending is not about competition, it's about hospitality. The strength of French bartenders lies in our sense of hospitality and our culinary culture.

What I can do better than anything else is analyzing, which is not so bad for a bartender.

I’m anything but a man of science.

If after checking the bar's stock, you are still in the dark, that means you should ask for explanations to find the light.

Good shoes are the ones in which you feel good on the inside and you're proud of the outside!

Journalists ask about absolutely everything, except how many hours a day we work!

Dirt irritates me the most at the back of some bars.

A good bartender knows what you want better than you yourself. After asking a few questions he will determine the right drink for the right person at the right time. If it's not the case, go to another bar!

A smile conveys sympathy, you cannot learn that in front of a mirror…

I cannot live without projects, goals, ambition, passion, and above all without freedom!

Try Rum steak cocktail by Julien Escot

Try Rum steak cocktail by Julien Escot

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